Jammu and Kashmir put together in terrorism by two parties: former PDP MP Nazir Ahmed – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Jammu and Kashmir put together in terrorism by two parties: former PDP MP Nazir Ahmed

Nazir Ahmad Lavey, who recently completed his tenure as a Rajya Sabha member from the Jammu and Kashmir People’s Democratic Party (PDP), said that only 2 parties together imposed terrorism on the Valley. He said that Farooq Abdullah’s ‘National Conference’ and the Congress Party combined together and gave terrorism to Jammu and Kashmir. He said that even today the people are facing the brunt of the mistakes of these two parties.

Nazir Ahmed further said that till now thousands of innocent innocents have visited him. The former PDP MP said that Jammu and Kashmir has lost thousands of its youth in the last several years. He said that Jammu and Kashmir is paying a big price for this. Nazir said that Pakistan took advantage of the work done by these two parties. This is the root of terrorism.

PDP leader Nazir Ahmad Lavey, for these reasons, changed the attitude of the country and the world towards Jammu and Kashmir. He praised Narendra Modi, saying that PM Modi has always respected him and he has taken full advantage of it whenever he has an opportunity to speak in person or in front of the PM personally. Describing PM Modi as ‘respectable’, he said that he always listened to her seriously.

In this Parliament session, Ghulam Nabi Azad, Shamsher Singh, Nazir Ahmed Lave and Mir Mohammad Fayaz have retired from Rajya Sabha.