Raid on NewsClick portal – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

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Raid on NewsClick portal

The raids on News Click and its directors’ houses, known for protesting unrestrained Modi, continued for the third consecutive day till Thursday. According to the news of the Indian Express, the raid is being linked to the foreign remittances worth 30.51 crore.

The matter which has come out from the sources found from the Enforcement Directorate, is very surprising. In fact, the Enforcement Directorate raid on ‘News Click’ has received Rs 10 crore from foreign direct investment (FDI). The special thing is that Prabir Purkayastha, the owner of News Click, does not know why the American company has given this 100 million rupees to him.

By the way, this matter is not limited to taking only 10 crore foreign funds. This time it got 20 crores from another American company. Sources said that News Click was given 20 million rupees by another US company as Export Remittance. That too only for the purpose that News Click uploaded the content on a portal called People’s Dispatch.

This story of fraud does not end here. Pravir Purkayastha, the owner of News Click, took 1.5 crore rupees in the name of maintenance, but it is learned that a ninth pass electrician works for Praveen Purkayastha. Maintenance work was also done without any documentation, so they could not give any proof to the Enforcement Directorate.

This matter of journalism is also related to politics. News Click has a relationship with CPI. According to the information received by the Enforcement Directorate, a person working in News Click has received Rs 52 lakh from a US company and is also a member of the CPI’s IT cell and the Twitter account of the CPI leaders, the sources said. Also runs.

Sources associated with the Enforcement Directorate said that News Click has received large sums of money from different companies registered at the same place in the US. In this, there is a defense supplier company. According to the information received, Pravir Purkayastha, the owner of News Click, has been given Rs 20 lakh to open the company with Gautam Naulakha. This is the same Gautam Naulakha, the main accused in the Bhima Koregaon riots and is in jail. The biggest question is that after all why is the US defense supplier paying money to a media institution, that person who is accused of rioting and is in jail.

Significantly, the news of ‘News Click’ raided Delhi’s office was revealed by the Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday. The investigating agency also raided the house of editor-in-chief Prabir Purkayastha of News Click. ED officials were quoted as saying that the portal has been funded by some suspected foreign companies, which are being investigated.