Rohingya are a challenge to the integrity of the country – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Rohingya are a challenge to the integrity of the country

Rohingya Muslims are like cancer for the integrity of the country. They are a threat to the integrity and unity of the country. Barring a few opportunistic leaders of India, till now no sympathetic statement has come from the whole world towards Rohingya Muslims. Even 45 Muslim countries of the world have not shown any sympathy towards them. These Rohingya Muslims were expelled from Myanmar but these Rohingyas were burdened and imposed on other countries. India is already suffering from them and the condition of Bangladesh is also similar.

The issue of evacuation of these Rohingyas is being emphasized in India for a long time and now Bangladesh itself seems to be advocating it. Bangladesh’s move towards Rohingyas can strengthen India’s position globally and get rid of this cancer. In fact, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday said that Rohingya migrants are a big burden for her country. He also said that the Rohingyas are involved in drug trafficking, women and as soon as they return to their native place, it will be good for all. This statement came a day before Sheikh Hasina’s 4-day visit to India. It is to be known that Sheikh Hasina is coming on a 4-day visit to India from Monday.

During this, she will take part in different programs at many places. Just before this visit of Hasina, she has shared the important objectives of her visit to India in an interview. If Sheikh Hasina is to be believed, she is also facing this Rohingya. Sheikh Hasina prominently said that for us, this is a big burden. India is a huge country and you can accommodate it but there are about 11 lakh Rohingya in our country. We are in discussions with the international community and our neighboring countries to take some steps for the repatriation of Rohingyas. It is worth noting that Rohingya Muslims are a stateless Indo-Aryan ethnic group who mainly follow Islam. and belongs to the Rakhine State of Myanmar.

had fled to Bangladesh. Today this number is estimated to be above 11 lakhs. All this land belonged to Myanmar and today countries like India have to carry them. Talking about India, today there are around 5 lakh illegal Rohingya refugees living in India. These Rohingya Muslims are found committing crimes in border areas and fleeing to Bangladesh in fear of being caught, to escape Indian law and action. This has been going on continuously not from today but from the year 2017. The India which is not able to give place to the helpless and harassed Hindu refugees from Pakistan, the India which is not able to give their rights to the Hindu refugees till now, that India is still forcibly tied to that knot in the bundle of international image and human values. It has become entangled that even Rohingyas have to give shelter.

Don’t know why the contract and the blame of human values ​​is thrown on India, otherwise what about the Hindu refugees who have come to their homeland India by doing something like this from Pakistan. They should have got priority but till date they have not been noticed by international bodies. Why would you go? They neither come from the particular community to which the Rohingyas belong, nor do those Hindu refugees ever fit into their agenda. At present, there are two types of foreigners in the country’s capital Delhi, one refugee Hindu, who has no answer as to why should be considered foreigner, the other Bangladeshi and Rohingya Muslim, who are on the land of this country, there is no answer as to why. It is ironic that Hindu refugees in India are on the margins and infiltrators are getting facilities. At the same time, 700 Hindu families living in the Majnu Ka Tila area, who have come to India after fleeing Pakistan, are still looking forward to the facilities.
The Kejriwal government of Delhi, steeped in the height of shamelessness and appeasement, appears to be committed to equipping the Rohingya refugees and illegal infiltrators with all facilities. On the other hand, the Kejriwal government of Delhi behaves as if money from Arvind Kejriwal’s house is going to provide water and electricity connections to Hindu refugees.
In such a situation, now the time has come that India should take this step in the context of the need of the hour and who has the first right on the resources of the country, as soon as possible, selectively and selectively throw out all those illegal Rohingya infiltrators and send them to their destination. . Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina herself described herself as dependent on India in this regard. He said, “When the Rohingya Muslims were in trouble, they helped them at that time but now they should go back to their country. I think India being a neighboring country can play an important role in this matter.”
Now that the matter has come out, it will go far. If illegal Rohingya infiltrators are a challenge for both India and Bangladesh and a burden on their resources, then illegal Bangladeshis are also a burden for India like Rohingyas who continue to shock India by coming across the border and committing heinous crimes. In such a situation, if today Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has made up her mind to agree on illegal Rohingya infiltrators before her visit to India, then she will also have to take the responsibility that in the coming future, illegal Bangladeshis also do not enter because if Today illegal Rohingya infiltrators are a burden and challenge for Bangladesh then for India
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