China’s counterfeiting is bringing Germany to India’s side – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

China’s counterfeiting is bringing Germany to India’s side

If China is to be kept weak at the global level, then it is necessary for the western countries to strengthen India in the Indo-Pacific region and support India on every issue between China and India. Many countries including America to Britain, France, Japan, Australia are working on almost the same formula and now Germany has also joined this agenda. The joint military exercise of German army with India is a clear indication that Germany is aggressive towards China and it supports India on this issue.

Focusing on India. Earlier, Germany used to support China. There was a time when Germany used to support China in a rut between India and China, but now the situation has started changing and it is going to have a big impact on global diplomacy. Indeed, Germany will play a more important role in the Indo-Pacific region and conduct joint military exercises with India. Dr. Philipp Ackermann, Germany’s Ambassador to India, said, “Germany has taken an interest in the Indo-Pacific and this reflects our concern in the region, although we expect that the escalating tensions with Taiwan will not escalate further.

Significantly, Germany last year sent a Bayern free gate in the South China Sea, which was seen as a tough stand against China’s territorial claims in Asia. Fighter jets were sent by the German and Indian Air Force to participate in the recently held multinational military exercise ‘Pitch Black 2022’ in Australia. Which shows that Germany’s stand is becoming increasingly soft towards India and angry towards China. German Ambassador Ackermann said that the tension that India faced across the LAC was different from the Ukraine era.

He said that we are aware of the problem in the northern part of the border that India is facing and clearly can overcome it. China is also very upset with Germany’s stand that why did Germany make a statement on the tension between India and China. Now the question is, why is Germany so aggressive on this issue, so let’s understand those three reasons as well. While Germany’s trade with Ukraine has come to a standstill due to the Russo-Ukraine war, on the other hand, China has taken advantage of it. China is getting more Chinese products in Germany than Ukrainian products

Which is a comfortable situation for China but it is a big threat for Germany. In such a situation, Germany does not want to increase its dependence on China economically or else it will fall into any trap of China.
Everyone knows that Russia is far ahead of other nations in the matter of espionage, but in the midst of the Russia-Ukraine war, China’s espionage activities have increased throughout Europe, it is also said that China’s espionage activities have reached equal to Russia. It has to be understood that Chinese spies are roaming in Europe, which can prove fatal for Europe. In such a situation, it is necessary that along with Europe, Germany also has to overcome these sly activities of China. For this it is necessary that Germany should reduce its trade dependence with China. It has to be noted that China has an open field of business in the form of Germany, where it can also fully activate its spies. Reports are also confirming the extent to which China’s spying activities have increased. This espionage is a big threat to Germany, due to which it has now become aggressive towards China.
The biggest reason is the announcement made by the anti-China leader Annalena Berbock during the elections in Germany. Annalena Berbock, now serving as the Foreign Minister of Germany, is fulfilling her promise to reduce her dependence on China and keeping her foreign policy India-centric.

These are all important factors that are making Germany an ally of India by turning Germany away from China. Overall, Germany has its own interests in this and India will also benefit from it.