PM Modi described vaccination as the biggest weapon to protect against corona – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

PM Modi described vaccination as the biggest weapon to protect against corona

Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a virtual meeting with the Chief Ministers of all the states as the cases of Corona increased once again in the country. In this, there was also a discussion about the effect on the economic condition of the country due to the Corona epidemic and the Ukraine-Russia war. PM Modi said that Corona is not gone yet, its challenge has not been postponed. It can be a serious condition. We are seeing this in Europe and other countries. Where many cases have come to the fore in the last few days. With the increase in cases in the last two weeks, it has been understood that we have to be alert. The PM has appealed to the states to reduce their share of tax so that the burden of inflation can be reduced on the public.

In two years, the country did a better job from health infrastructure to oxygen, PM Modi said that the work of all the Corona Warriors is commendable. Corona cases have been increasing in some states. We have to note that we learned a lot from the wave that came to us a few months back. All tackled Omicron successfully, fought. Within two years, the country worked from health infrastructure to oxygen. In this meeting, PM Modi described vaccination as the biggest weapon to protect against corona. He said that campaigns will have to be run in schools to vaccinate children.

The vaccine, which reached the people as a shield, saved it in the third wave. In the third wave, the situation in India did not deteriorate. Because the country has the fastest vaccination in the world. With more than 187 crore vaccinations done, it helped in the fight against Corona. The vaccine reached the people in every state. It is a matter of pride for every Indian that today 96 percent of the population has got the first dose, 85 percent above 15 years have got the second dose. You understand that the vaccine is the biggest shield. Schools are open in the country after a long time, in such a situation, there is increasing concern due to the increase in cases. Lessons learned from the third wave, infections have to be stopped at the very beginning.

PM Modi said that in March we have got permission for Kovaxin for 12 to 14, tomorrow for 6 to 12. Our priority is to vaccinate all eligible children as early as possible. As before, there will be a need to conduct special campaigns in schools. Teachers-Parents and other eligible people can also take Precaution Dose. We have to keep making them aware. During the third wave, we saw more than three lakh cases every day. We handled it. This balance should be part of our strategy going forward. Infections have to be stopped at the very beginning. This was our priority in the past and it is still the same.