Directions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to Team-09 set up to manage Covid-19 – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Directions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to Team-09 set up to manage Covid-19

  • Efforts rolled out in accordance with the policy of test, track and treat are getting
    satisfactory results. On one hand, in Uttar Pradesh, on an average, is conducting
    tests between 2-2.5 lakh daily, and on the other hand there is a decline in new
    cases. Along with this, the number of people recovering and discharging is
    increasing rapidly.
  • In the last 24 hours, 26,780 new cases were confirmed in the state while 28,902
    Covid patients got free from the infection and became healthy. So far, 11,51,571
    people have won the battle against Covid. There are currently a total of 2,59,844
    active cases. The number of active cases was highest on April 30, when there were
    03 lakh 10 thousand 783 cases in the state. 
    Today, it has dropped by more than 50 thousand in a period of 6 days. 2,25,670
    tests were done in 24 hours, out of which 112000 were done through RTPCR.
    Include Covid appropriate behaviour in the lifestyle of all the residents. Request
    them to Follow the instructions of the administration and get health benefits in
    consultation with doctors.
  • Covid vaccination work is going on smoothly in the state. So far, 01 crore 32 lakh
    55 thousand 955 vaccine doses have been administered. Continuous efforts have
    led to a reduction in vaccine wastage. This needs to be improved further. 68536
    people in the age group of 18-44 have been vaccinated so far. The result of active
    participation of this age group is that vaccine wastage is only 0.39% in this
    category. It needs to be brought to zero.
  • Vaccination of 18-44 age group is going on in seven districts with high infection
    rate. It should be expanded in a phased manner. From next week, a program of
    vaccination should be conducted in all the municipal corporations and people aged
    18-44 in Gautam Budh Nagar.
  • The door-to-door screening and testing of 97 thousand revenue villages of the
    state has started. In the screening by  monitoring committees, 69,474 people who
    were found to be symptomatic, when tested for antigen, resulted in 3551 being
    positive. They were provided home isolation by providing medical kits and are
    Bueno made about vigilance measures. 
    Doctors should be in constant contact with these patients through tele-consultation.
    Higher medical facility should also be provided to them as per the requirement.
    This campaign of village-to-village testing is very useful in protecting villages
    from infection. Along with this, the testing in the urban area should continue
    unchanged. Keep in touch with the monitoring committees.
  • We need to make contact tracing more effective to break the transmission chain.
    Action should be taken to improve contact tracing in all districts.
  • We have to be prepared for all kinds of challenges in view of the assessment of
    experts. In such a situation, the availability of beds, manpower, medical
    equipment, oxygen and medicines should be expedited to double the present
    capacity. Separate secretary level officers should be nominated for these priority
    works. In this regard, there is a need to work in mission mode.
  • There should be continuous monitoring of medical equipment in hospitals. Proper
    maintenance of safety-related equipment should also be made.
  • In certain districts in the state, incidents such as charging more than the rates
    fixed by private hospitals, refusal to admit patients even after the beds are empty,
    and creating an atmosphere of fear even after availability of oxygen. In such times
    of emergency, it is not only reprehensible, but it is also unpardonable. Local
    authorities in Ghaziabad and Lucknow have also taken strict action against such
    incidents. All such efforts should be closely monitored. Ensure that the patient and
    their family are treated sensitively. Incidents of harassment, exploitation should be
    strictly stopped immediately.
  • All arrangements should be made for non-covid patients. Appropriate medical
    arrangements should be made for all patients, who are suffering from serious
    diseases or emergency needs of pregnant women. A minimum of one hospital in
    every district should be dedicated to such patients. Ambulances should also be
    made available on need.
  • In Covid Hospital, the patient’s family must be informed about the health of the
    patient under treatment, line of treatment, etc. every day. For this, nominate a
    doctor in every hospital. Families should be aware of their patients, this system
    should be implemented effectively.
  • Ensure oxygen supply to home isolation and non-covid patients. There should be
    no shortage of cylinders. Arrangements should be made to supply on-demand
    oxygen to home isolation patients. Create a system for this. Home isolation
    patients should not have any problem at all.
  • All necessary efforts are being made to increase the availability of oxygen. In
    view of future needs, oxygen plants are being set up in all districts of the state for
    the availability of oxygen. Action is being taken to set up oxygen plants by the
    Government of India, the State Government and the private sector. 
    Various PSUs are also setting up plants at their level. Special efforts are being
    made by the Sugarcane Development and Sugar Industries and Excise Department
    towards oxygen generation. There is also support from MSME units. All these
    tasks should be completed as fast as possible. They should be reviewed every day.
    In addition, oxygen concentrators have been made available from CHC level to
    large hospitals. Ensure that they are kept active.

According to the needs of the districts , buy oxygen concentrators. We are getting
the oxygen concentrator from private industrial / commercial companies as part of
CSR also 

  • All necessary arrangements are being made to ensure the supply of oxygen to all
    the districts in the state as per the requirement. We are constantly receiving support
    from the Government of India. On 05 May, 823 metric tonnes of oxygen were
    distributed in the state. Oxygen Expresses are a continuous process. 80 metric
    tonne oxygen train is also coming from Jamnagar.
  • Currently 89 tankers are active in oxygen related work. The government of India
    has given 400 metric tonne tankers to the state. Tankers have been made available
    by private industrial groups such as Reliance and Adani. There is a need to
    increase the number of tankers with regards to oxygen. Action should be taken for
    global tendering in relation to cryogenic tankers.
  • Oxygen audit has been conducted by seven reputed institutions of the state in
    collaboration with the objective of minimising oxygen waste. Based on its report,
    demand, supply should be balanced. A separate action plan regarding oxygen for
    each district should be prepared immediately. The oxygen generated by the sugar
    mills should be supplied directly to the nearest CHC.
  • Ventilators have been made available in all the districts of the state by the
    Department of Health and the Department of Medical Education and their
    functionality should be ensured. Anaesthetic and other technicians have been
    appointed. We will have to make additional arrangements for ventilators and
    human resources keeping in view the future needs. Necessary action in this regard
    should be ensured.
  • Effectively apply partial corona curfew in the state. The police should support the
    people traveling for medicine or emergency needs etc. Tomorrow the Alvida
    Namaaz will be performed in the state. Following the Corona curfew, one should
    discharge their religious traditions in the COVID protocol . This should be ensured
    by communicating with the religious leaders. 
  • Community kitchens should be run for the needy, cart runners, rickshaws etc.
    Community eateries have started in Lucknow and Prayagraj. It should also be
    extended to more districts. Proper food arrangements should be made in the
    quarantine centers. The ration distribution process should be run smoothly.
  • Covid care centers have been set up in large industrial units. Currently, Covid
    Care Centers are operational in 544 industries with a capacity of more than 08.500
    beds. It should be expanded to other industries as well.
  • On the lines of state level team 09, the report of daily proceedings of special
    committees set up in the districts should be sent to the Chief Minister’s Office. All
    the small and big activities of the districts should be monitored at the government
  • All major construction projects including expressways , roads, housing projects
    should be continued. These should be completed in a time-bound manner. Covid
    care centers should be set up in projects where minimum 50 people are active and working.