Ghebrasas praised Prime Minister Modi for his commitment to share the Kovid-19 vaccine – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

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Ghebrasas praised Prime Minister Modi for his commitment to share the Kovid-19 vaccine

26 February (Language) World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adnom Ghebres has lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to more than 60 countries worldwide to share the Kovid-19 vaccine and evenly distribute vaccines That other countries will follow them.

WHO Director General Ghebres said in a tweet that India’s support in the supply of vaccines is helping more than 60 countries start the vaccination process.

In a tweet on Thursday, he said, “Thank you to India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for supporting vaccine equality (equity).” Your commitment to sharing the doses of Kovacs and Kovid-19 vaccines is helping their health workers and other priority groups begin vaccination in more than 60 countries. I hope other countries will also follow your commitment. “

India on Wednesday sent the first consignment of six lakh doses of Kovid-19 vaccine to the African country of Ghana. Vaccine doses are being sent to Ghana under the Kovacs Agreement in collaboration with UNICEF. A total of 92 countries are involved in this agreement.