Kovid epidemic in America announced to increase national emergency – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Kovid epidemic in America announced to increase national emergency

25 February (Sputnik) US President Joe Biden has announced the resurgence of the national emergency of the Kovid-19 epidemic in the country.
Mr. Biden said in a White House release Wednesday, “I have sent to the Federal Register to publish a notice of the pandemic announced March 13, 2020. Which is effective till March 1, 2021, concerning the corona virus (Kovid-19) pandemic in the country.
He said, “This national emergency needs to continue and the federal government is mandated to counter and respond to Kovid-19 with full capacity and capability.”
He said that more than five lakh people have died due to Corona virus epidemic in the country.