Biden-Harris’ real face surfaced, Pro-Pakistan proposal passed in New York assembly over Kashmir – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Biden-Harris’ real face surfaced, Pro-Pakistan proposal passed in New York assembly over Kashmir

Some people do not waste any time in coming to their own right, and the Democrat Party has done the same thing. It did not take 2 weeks for Biden to become President of the US and the Democrats started showing their true colors. The House of New York State, passing a controversial resolution, has decided to celebrate February 5 as Kashmir-America Day.

Yes, you heard well. Politicians in the province of New York have passed a resolution in their Legislative Assembly that they will celebrate February 5 as Kashmir America Day. According to the Outlook report,

“The resolution, sponsored by Assembly Member Nader Saigh and 12 other MPs, stated that‘ the Kashmiri community has overcome many troubles and shown firmness. Also established itself as one of the pillars of New York immigrant communities.

n a tweet, the Consulate General of Pakistan in New York also acknowledged the role of Sayigh and The American Pakistani Advocacy Group in adopting the resolution. Explain that after the abolition of Section 370 in Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019, Pakistan is trying to gain international support against India ”.

That is, which many Indians had feared, it seems to be true. The Biden administration is not only openly promoting anti-Indian elements, but is also stepping up its efforts to intervene in India’s internal affairs. This exactly confirms his attitude at the election rally, where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris fiercely spewed venom against India.

The Indian embassy expressed its concern on the subject, saying, “The Indian embassy came to know about Kashmir American Day in New York State Assembly. Like America, India also has a vibrant democracy and it is a matter of pride that 135 crore people live with different ideologies and thinking. India celebrates its diversity and rich cultural ideas and ideology, including Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir is an integral and inseparable part of India. Jammu and Kashmir is a union territory, and will remain an integral part of India. India has also clearly stated to the international community that the abolition of Article 370 of the Constitution was its internal matter. “

With this incident, the mask of the Biden administration has also been completely removed and their anti-India side has come to the fore. If at the same rate it kept making such decisions, then after a time, anti-India presidents like Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton also started appearing as gods. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that the Biden administration is going to run an ax with a gun on its own feet in the wake of minority appeasement.