Myanmar coup, State Counselor Hsu detained, army takes control for one year – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Myanmar coup, State Counselor Hsu detained, army takes control for one year

According to various media reports, there has been a coup in Myanmar in India’s neighboring country. It has been reported in the reports that State Counselor Suu Kyi has been detained by the army. Media reports said that the army television channel in Myanmar reported that the army had taken control of the country for a year. According to reports, all means of communication in Napita have been cut off and Suu Kyi’s party National League for Democracy is not in contact.

This was told in the media reports. The online news portal Myanam Now quoted unnamed sources as saying that Suu Kyi and her party president were arrested early Monday. However, no detailed information has been provided on the portal. It seems that all the communication channels for Nepita have been closed and Sui Chi’s National League for Democracy Party is unable to contact.After last year’s elections, Myanmar MPs were scheduled to gather on Monday for the first session of parliament in the capital Nepeta. However, recent military statements show the possibility of a military coup. Suu’s party won 396 out of a total of 476 seats in the lower and upper houses of Parliament, far exceeding the majority figure of 322. But under the Constitution drafted by the Army in the year 2008, 25 percent of the total seats have been given to the army, which is enough to stop the constitutional changes. Many important ministerial posts have also been reserved for military appointments.

There is a reaction from the US to these reports coming from Myanmar. White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki has said Burma’s military is concerned with reports of steps being taken to ease the country’s democratic process, including the arrest of state counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and other civil officials in Burma. The President has been made aware of the situation by the NSA.

He said that we reaffirm our strong support for Burma’s democratic institutions and in coordination with our regional allies, adhere to democratic norms and rule of law from the military and all other parties and release those detained today Urge to do. He said that the US has opposed any effort to change the results of the recent elections or disrupt Myanmar’s democratic transition and action will be taken against those responsible if these steps are not reversed. We are closely monitoring the situation and standing with the people of Burma.