European countries are sinking economically, while India continues to progress. – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

European countries are sinking economically, while India continues to progress.

When time takes a turn, it leaves great kings as ranks, the strength of time is not hidden from anyone, there is also a concept that time pushes back those who do not move with time. Something similar happened with European countries. Remember those times when European countries used to count themselves as great in the category of world power, but at that time these countries used to exploit the resources of underdeveloped countries intoxicated by their power, inhuman treatment with their residents. Used to do too.

These countries also held a disdain for India, which was once a colony of Britain, sometimes the country of snake charmers, the country of hungry people, bloody India and do not know which were awarded with the opposite titles, but India endured everything right. Waited for the time, it did not compromise on the pace of its development and today the time has come when India is ready to beat these European countries in almost every field. The behavior shown with India, instead of breaking the morale of India, acted as a catalyst for it

That’s when India, which was once the slave of the British, has defeated the same Britishers. In the field of economy, India first soured the teeth of France, and then dusted Britain. According to Dhrusan, India has become the fifth largest economy in the world by overtaking Britain’s pride. If we compare India and European countries regarding the economy in the current perspective, then we will find that the economy of these European countries, which consider themselves to be indicators of development, has satiated.

Today the whole of Europe is suffering from unemployment, inflation, declining per capita income, political crisis, energy crisis and Russo-Ukraine war, while on the other hand India is on the path of development by trampling everyone. When it comes to estimation, GDP plays an important role. India’s Q1 (2022-23) growth rate has been so spectacular that it has blown away even the developed countries. The rate at which India’s GDP has grown in the current April 1-June (2022-23) is difficult for European countries like France, Germany, UK to catch up with. Germany, UK, France, who consider themselves to be Turram Khan, have also succumbed to India’s growth rate. While Germany’s growth rate was 1.7 percent year-on-year, France and UK’s quarterly growth rate was -0.2 & 0.8 percent.
This was a matter of European countries, but going beyond that, it has defeated America too. The current growth rate of India’s Q1 (2022-23) was -1.6% in front of America’s Q1 (2022-23), which makes it clear that America, who calls itself the chaudhary of the world, has to face India in front of India. It is lying
These figures show that India has not only established itself better in the field of economy but is also on the way to establish a different stage in the world economy in the coming times. The day is not far when India will laugh at development and European countries will cry tears of blood because of the crippling economy.