China went to spy but the heat descended – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

China went to spy but the heat descended

Today the whole world is troubled by the antics of China. China is increasing the concern of the world through its aggression. The dragon captures small countries by trapping them in debt traps, while at the same time, he tries to adopt all his tricks and gimmicks against powerful countries. But when it comes to India, all China’s maneuvers fail because India has the ability to respond to China’s every move and this time also India did the same.

India taught a lesson to the Chinese ship sent to the Hambantota port of Sri Lanka for spying that it was forced to run away on the back foot. In fact, China under a big conspiracy to spy on India under a big conspiracy at the Hambantota port of Sri Lanka. Sent his Chinese ship “Yuan Wang 5” for the week. The Chinese ship returned on Monday after a disputed six-day voyage. First, the ship operated by China was to arrive at Hambantota port on 11 August. But India had objected to it from the very beginning, accusing it of spying on the Chinese ship, after which China was not allowed to send the ship from Sri Lanka.

China said that this ship has been sent for the purpose of peace and friendship, but the thing to understand is that the reality is completely different from this. India is well aware of every move of the dragon. India knew that it was plotting to spy on India through its ship, this was the main reason why India was against it. The entry of a Chinese ship in Sri Lanka was considered an alarm bell for India. India was concerned about the possibility of the tracking system trying to spy on Indian installations.

India was well aware of these dangers, so it strongly objected to the stopping of the Chinese ship in front of Sri Lanka. But the dragon is a dragon. Sri Lanka is so pressed by China under the burden of debt that in the end, Sri Lanka bowed before China by deceiving India and allowed the Chinese ship to stop in Hambantota. It has to be known here that the Hambantota port of Sri Lanka is under the control of China. Due to non-payment of debt, Sri Lanka had to lease the port to him for 99 years. After which China has started considering this port as its birthright.

Finally, on 16 August, the Chinese ship Yuan Wang 5 reached the Hambantota port in southern Sri Lanka, after a prolonged dispute and a lot of hesitation. China must have thought that it would spy on India through this ship, but all its bets backfired and India tasted such fun to China that its ship was constrained to escape by pressing its tail. According to media reports, India Responding to China’s cunning, put a satellite signal shield against its ship. India deployed four satellites and a warship to counter the security threat posed by Yuan Wang 5. Satellites were used by India to monitor the Chinese spy ship. For this purpose, India has deployed two GSAT-7 satellites, Krudh Srang and Shrudh Srang spy satellites, and a naval communication warship. India’s military satellites Rukmini and Angry Birds did a good job of responding to China. Signal shielding was carried out using Kautilya electronic intelligence package on board the Shwarudhranga satellite. It also intercepted massive antennas, radars, sensors, data absorbing systems and surveillance on Chinese ships. Angry Birds was used to capture the ultra-high frequency. Military satellite monitored every move of China. At the same time, no message from India could go beyond the signal shield. During this, Defense Intelligence had advised the country’s defense, research and military centers to be alert and avoid sending messages these days. And the Yuan Wang 5 antenna receiver itself was filled with useless information. It became difficult for Chinese equipment to collect accurate data. In this way, the dragon was also surprised by the way India faced the spy Chinese ship and became helpless in front of India’s strategy. In the end, the purpose with which the Chinese ship had come was completely unsuccessful in this and returned home. It is also being told that even though Yuan Wang 5 went back from Humbertota port, India also caused a lot of damage to it during this period. It is that China keeps on playing new tricks to surround India. But this time India has taught such a lesson by trapping the dragon in its net that it will always remember it and think a hundred times before doing any maneuver against India.