India has shown its power to western countries – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

India has shown its power to western countries

While on the one hand most of the countries imposed many sanctions on Russia between Ukraine and Russia and imposed restrictions on buying anything from it, on the other hand, India is continuously importing crude oil from Russia and this is the fact of western countries. And its politicians are not getting teary eyed. For this reason, India has also come under criticism many times due to the purchase of oil from Moscow. In such a situation, Indian Foreign Minister Subramaniam Jaishankar has also been asked questions on this matter many times in global forums. However, Jaishankar has also clarified this point time and again.

For India, the national interest is paramount and we have no need to please the western countries or take certificates from them. But this time when this question arose again during the conversation with the Indian community in Bangkok, Thailand, in the midst of the Ukraine war, the Russian Justifying India’s decision to import crude oil, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Wednesday categorically said, “We have been very honest about our interests. I have a country with a per capita income of $2,000. These are not the people who can afford the high energy prices. It’s my duty, it’s my moral duty

Make sure I get the best deal that is in their best interest.” This statement had two benefits. First, the western countries which have always seen India as a ‘poor developing country’, now the External Affairs Minister Jaishankar has given them such an answer using the words of the same western countries that now those countries have become unanswered. The second advantage of this statement of the External Affairs Minister is that his statement has once again clarified India’s stand and indicated that it is no longer that India, which has changed its decision at the behest of America and other western countries. used to give This is new India. This India knows which deal is useful for this and how to make it first to satisfy its own needs rather than to please others.

S Jaishankar said that other countries, including the United States, accept India’s position in this regard. He said, “Once you put your point openly and honestly in front of people, people accept it. They may not always appreciate it but as long as you have laid down your interests in a straight way, the world accepts it as a kind of reality.”
Earlier in April, when asked about India’s stand on the war between Russia and Ukraine in Washington and questions were raised on India’s buying of oil from Russia, the External Affairs Minister had said that as much oil as perhaps the whole of Europe in one afternoon. buys in