India will be developed in 25 years with Pancha Prana – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

India will be developed in 25 years with Pancha Prana

India has completed 75 years of independence and we have entered the 76th year. The country celebrated the nectar festival of independence with great pomp. Along with this, PM Narendra Modi in his speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort has called for the resolution of ‘Panch Prana’ in the ‘Amrit Kaal’ of independence, which in a way said about the condition of the country on the completion of 100 years of independence of the country. It’s like a blueprint. In the year 2047, 100 years of the country’s independence will be completed and PM Modi has set a target to fulfill this Pancha Prana till the golden age.

In this article, we will know in detail that what is the resolution of ‘Panch Prana of Golden India’ taken by PM Modi on the occasion of Amrit Festival of Independence? Why PM Modi decided to take the resolution of ‘Panch Prana’? What is the purpose of this Pancha Prana? Also, why has PM Modi described the coming 25 years as the most important for the country? The first big resolution in Prime Minister Modi’s ‘Panch Prana’ is – Developed India. He said that now the country will run with a big resolve. Now is not the time for small resolutions. In the coming 25 years, we want a developed India at any cost, nothing less than that.

The PM said that cleanliness campaign, corona vaccination campaign, electricity connection to 2.5 crore people, freedom from open defecation, renewable energy, we are moving ahead with determination on all parameters. All these big things have laid the foundation of the developed country of India. The second resolution in PM Modi’s ‘Panch Prana’ is ‘liberation from slavery’. In his address, he said that not a single piece of slavery should be left in any corner of our mind. If there is any slavery, then it should not be allowed to escape under any circumstances. He has to be thrown out.

Hundreds of years of slavery that has held us together, we will have to get 100 percent free water from it. Because slavery slowly eats any country like a termite, which is known after a long time. PM Modi said that we should be proud of the heritage of our country. We should have confidence in our ability. This legacy had once given India a golden age. We also have to be proud of our family system. The world is appreciating our heritage. The world is influenced by the lifestyle of India. Talking about everyone’s happiness and everyone’s health is the priority of our heritage. We are the people who see Shiva in the soul. We don’t need any certificate from the world. The country has to set its own standard. We will join our earth, only then will we fly high. The world is looking towards India for a solution to global warming. We have so much to offer to the world. India has invaluable potential. Our experience tells us that once we all walk on the path with determination, we can definitely overcome the set goals.

  1. Unity and Solidarity
    PM Modi said that we should celebrate the diversity of our country with great gaiety. Gender equality, first India, respect for the workers of the country is an important part of this chain. The humiliation of women in the country is a major perversion, from which a way has to be found to get rid of it. When we connect with our earth, only then we will fly high, only then will we be able to give solution to the world. Because the greatest strength of a country lies in the unity and solidarity of that country. If this is not the case then the downfall of the country starts.
    Read more: PM Modi’s development mantra with cultural roots is now poised to create golden history
  2. Duties of Citizens
    PM Modi said that the duty of citizens prepares the way for the progress of the country and society. This is the basic vitality. The Prime Minister, Chief Minister and President of the country are also not out of this. Citizens have a responsibility and role in every field like saving electricity, making full use of water available in the fields, chemical-free farming, away from corruption at all costs, etc. If every citizen of a country starts performing his duty faithfully, then the country always stands firmly and keeps moving forward in every field. For the coming 25 years, we also have to concentrate our power on those Pancha Prana. We have to walk with Pancha Prana till the year 2047, when 100 years of independence will be completed. We have to take up the responsibility of fulfilling all the dreams of freedom fighters.
    Let us tell you that PM Modi himself made it clear that after so many decades of independence, the attitude of the whole world towards India has changed. The world is looking for solutions to the problems on the soil of India. This change in the world, this change in the thinking of the world is the result of our journey of 75 years. He has prepared a great blue print of the coming 25 years through his ‘Panch Prana’, which if successfully completed, the day is not far when our country will be established from a developing country to a developed country. .