Online games banned in 15 countries – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

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Online games banned in 15 countries

Online Games Ban: One such case came to light in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, which caused a sensation. A 16 year old boy killed his mother just because Jaan stopped him from playing PUBG. Addiction to online games has increased to such an extent that when addicted to it, they behave abnormally. The murder of mother in Lucknow is an example of this. Know how dangerous are online games, where are the restrictions and what is its effect.

We will also know from the experts that what is the bad effect of the addiction of online games on the brain of children that they are ready to die. mode is on. Games with a lot of violence stopped in Brazil. Online games with violent, objectionable and controversial content are also not allowed in Australia. At the same time, there are no strict rules regarding this in India yet.

Although India has banned many Chinese online games like PUBG two years ago, but these games are still available. Online games are banned in these countries of the world, while 15 countries like China, Venezuela, Brazil Japan have banned online games. have been The basis of the ban is said to be objectionable and violent content. In 2009, Venezuela banned the production, sale and use of video games.

Similarly, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Germany, UK, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, UAE, Iran and Pakistan have also imposed many restrictions. In China, people under the age of 18 are only allowed to play online games for a maximum of 3 hours on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays between 8 am and 9 pm. Where is the problem? Understand 4 important thingsSenior IT and Cyber ​​Expert Sameer Sharma clearly states in a discussion with India TV Digital that there is no clear policy in our country which can control and censor online games.