India to become ‘Alexander’ in emerging unicorn by overtaking China – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

India to become ‘Alexander’ in emerging unicorn by overtaking China

It is a miracle of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision that after raising the flag in the world of start-ups, India is now moving towards becoming the ‘Badshah’ of the emerging unicorn. When PM Modi had initiated the Startup India scheme in 2016, no one could have imagined that India would reach this height so soon. Due to the continuous encouragement of the Modi government, India’s new unicorn startups are constantly achieving new positions in the world. This is the reason that the number of these unicorns in India has crossed the century and has gone ahead. The total valuation of all these unicorns has reached $332.7 billion.

It is worth noting that out of these hundred unicorn startups in India, 58 have become unicorns in the last two years only. Experts say that the pace of these unicorn startups of India is not going to stop now. The Start-up India scheme was launched by the Modi government in 2016. Its main objective is to promote startups, generate employment and strengthen the economy by creating wealth. Start-up India scheme came with many benefits like ease of work, financial assistance, government tenders, networking opportunities, income tax benefits etc. The scheme launched several programs to build a strong ecosystem and transform India into a start-up compliant one.

For ease of work, the government set up Startup India Hub, where incorporation, registration, complaint handling, etc. are easily handled. The government has made a hassle free registration system on the online portal, so that you can register from anywhere and anytime. To Motivate Startups, Financial Assistance and Establishment Given the startup journey of India, according to startup experts, the minimum time taken to become a unicorn startup in the country is 6 months.

The governments before the Modi government did not pay any attention to the start-ups, so the unicorn was not even imagined then. Since the coming of the Modi government, till the financial year 2016-17, about one unicorn was produced in India every year. This number has been growing rapidly over the past five years, with the number of additional unicorns increasing by 66 percent year-on-year. According to a report by PwC India, around 50 start-ups in India may become unicorns this year. Iron Pillar Investment Fund report states that 250 unicorns can be formed in India by 2025. Tax exemption is available for first 3 years after Pana.