7 Pakistan-backed terrorists banned under UAPA – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

7 Pakistan-backed terrorists banned under UAPA

India has been facing Pakistan sponsored terrorism for decades. While on the one hand, Pakistan, the ‘center of terrorism’, supports terrorist organizations, India is waging a proxy war through them to create unrest and annex Kashmir. But in the last eight years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has adopted a policy of zero tolerance for terrorism and terrorists. Under this, the Modi government has continuously attacked the terrorists and their patrons. In this sequence, taking another major action, the Modi government has banned seven terrorists backed by Pakistan.
The Union Home Ministry has declared seven Pakistan-based terror leaders as terrorists under the Terror Funding and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in the last 15 days. The seven terrorists have been banned on the suggestion of the CID of Jammu and Kashmir. The list of banned terrorists includes Sajjad Gul, Aashiq Aham Nengroo, Mushtaq Aham Zargar, Arjumand Gulzar, Ali Kashif, Moinuddin Aurangzeb and Hafiz Talha Saeed.
According to the Union Home Ministry, Sheikh Sajjad Gul, a member of the terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba, is on the run in a case of seizure of arms and ammunition in Jammu and Kashmir. He is misguidedly recruiting youth in Jammu and Kashmir with the support of Lashkar. Apart from this, he has also been involved in the financing of terrorism. On April 8, the Modi government had designated Hafiz Talha Saeed, the son of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder and 26/11 Mumbai attack ‘mastermind’ Hafiz Saeed, as a terrorist. Three days later i.e. on April 11, Pakistani national Mohiuddin Aurangzeb Alamgir was declared a terrorist, who was involved in the attack on the CRPF bus in Pulwama, Jammu and Kashmir.
The Union Home Ministry has so far banned 38 Pakistani terrorists under the UAPA. According to sources, the ministry is preparing a database of Pakistani terrorists, who carry out terrorist activities in the Valley. First of all, a dossier is being prepared on all these terrorists so that India can raise this issue with the United Nations and the countries concerned. Apart from this, the allies of these designated terrorists will be tightened. They will be targeted for supporting Pakistani jihadi groups and therefore will also come under strict scrutiny of the law.
The data bank prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs will be used to show to the Financial Task Action Force (FATF) that Pakistan is providing shelter and aid to anti-India jihadists operating in Kashmir and hinterland. Pakistan is already partially on FATF gray list and facing economic crisis. The list will assure the FATF plenary meeting in Paris this June that Pakistan remains the epicenter of Islamic jihad against India. India will also share dossier on these designated UAPA terrorists with Interpol and like-minded countries like US, France, UAE and Israel to take action against these jihadis.