America on the backfoot after listening to Jaishankar in the matter of Russian oil purchase – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

America on the backfoot after listening to Jaishankar in the matter of Russian oil purchase

External Affairs Minister S. After listening to Jaishankar, America has come on the back foot, trying to stop India from buying crude oil from Russia. The US has said following the example given by Jaishankar that India is not violating any sanctions by buying crude oil from Russia. Earlier, during a virtual meeting with PM Narendra Modi, US President Joe Biden had said that India may face problems later due to buying oil from Russia. While talking to the media after the two plus two conversation, Jaishankar had shown the mirror to America on the issue of Russian crude oil. Jaishankar had said that the European countries buy more crude oil than what India buys from Russia for a month. Jaishankar further said that if you are looking at India’s energy purchase from Russia If so, your focus should be on Europe first. He told the media that India buys products from many places to protect its energy. If we look at the figures, it is clear that our purchases for a month will be much less than in the afternoon of European countries. Responding to a question, he said that we have kept our position clear on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. We are ready for dialogue and diplomacy. India wants an immediate end to violence and is ready to contribute in any way possible. Let us tell you that PM Modi had said the same thing yesterday during his conversation with the US President. Jan Pasky said that buying crude oil from Russia does not come under sanctions. To another question, Pasky said that in view of the S-400 anti-missile system that India is getting from Russia, so far there is no issue of any US sanctions on India under the CATS Act. Let us tell you that America has imposed sanctions on its ally Turkey under Katsa.