Modi-Modi once again in America, Sikh community became a fan of PM Modi – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Modi-Modi once again in America, Sikh community became a fan of PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi surprised everyone by withdrawing three agriculture laws. No one expected a strong government to reconsider its decision. Through the farmers’ movement, all the allegations were being made on the Modi government of being ‘stubborn’, ‘obstinate’, ‘tyrant’. But Prime Minister Modi explained to his opponents that a strong government means not only sticking to its decisions, but also respecting the sentiments of the people.

Prime Minister Modi not only gave a befitting reply to his opponents by withdrawing the three agricultural laws in one stroke, but also sent a message to the world that his government is very sensitive. This is the reason that today his decision is being praised in the country and the world. The promise made by Prime Minister Modi at the time of withdrawal of all three agricultural laws was fulfilled. He also agreed to consider the issues of the farmers further. This stand of Prime Minister Modi and his government has been welcomed by the Sikh community settled in America.

Praising Prime Minister Modi, Sikhs said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, proper attention has been paid to the issues related to farmers. During an event organized in Virginia, USA on Wednesday (December 22, 2021), Jasse Singh of the ‘Sikh of America’ organization said, ‘The Sikh community in America is praising Prime Minister Modi’s decision to withdraw all three agricultural laws. . The Prime Minister has always protected the interests of the Sikh community and farmers in India.

Significantly, after a year-long dharna against three agricultural laws, Prime Minister Modi announced the withdrawal of these laws on November 19, 2021. Along with this, a law related to the withdrawal of agricultural laws was also passed in the winter session of Parliament in November. After which the agitating farmers returned to their respective homes. Farmers mainly from Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh were protesting on the borders of Delhi regarding these laws.