Forgetting its history, the situation of Congress and the opposition became like ‘Khisiyani cat khamba noche’, – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Forgetting its history, the situation of Congress and the opposition became like ‘Khisiyani cat khamba noche’,

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address to the nation on the occasion of Guru Parv had announced the repeal of three agricultural laws. According to this announcement, both the houses of Parliament approved the withdrawal of all three agricultural laws. On this, the farmers leaders who were agitating for a year also expressed happiness. Astonishingly, those Congress leaders created a ruckus demanding a debate on the Bill, which has a history of passing bills within minutes without debate.

PM Modi, the biggest and real ‘fighter’ of the political field, in fact, the real reason behind the uproar is that the ‘grapes have proved to be sour’ for the Congress and the opposition parties. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has again proved that he is the biggest and real ‘fighter’ of the political field by withdrawing the three agricultural laws. There are many such infallible arrows in his political quiver, from which the opponents get blown away. PM Modi is that mud-hold wrestler of the political arena, who suddenly stuns the opponent.

No one expected him to announce the withdrawal of the three agricultural laws at the time of his address to the nation on the morning of Guru’s Mubarak Day, November 19, 2021. But Prime Minister Modi made all the opposition parties including Congress in a jiffy with his sudden move. The same disapproval of the opposition parties was seen in both the houses of Parliament. Congress has no right to scoff or create ruckus because 7 bills that were repealed before PM Modi’s tenure were passed in few minutes without any debate.

In fact, under the guise of the farmers’ movement, the opposition parties were laying a political chessboard to surround the Modi government. Along with Prime Minister Modi and his government, all efforts were being made to implicate the state governments of the BJP in the maze of farmers, but Prime Minister Modi, the veteran player of the political game, threw such a dice that the opposition parties were shocked. Prime Minister Modi decided to withdraw the three agriculture laws and snatched the biggest issue from the hands of the opposition before the elections in five states,

The Congress has suffered the most due to the decision of Prime Minister Modi. The Congress was assuming that it was going to get the benefit of the resentment arising out of the three agricultural laws in the Punjab elections. But Prime Minister Modi has scuttled the Congress’s plans to a great extent by withdrawing the Agriculture Act. Because in Punjab, Captain Amarinder Singh can prove to be a trump card for BJP. Two months ago, when the Captain had rebelled against the Congress after being stripped of the Chief Minister’s post, there was speculation that the Modi government might withdraw the agricultural laws.