Pastor Robert from Indonesia himself became ‘Sangh Pracharak’, adopted Sanatan Dharma – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Pastor Robert from Indonesia himself became ‘Sangh Pracharak’, adopted Sanatan Dharma

Pakistan’s ISI has been losing its influence in the Kashmir Valley since the abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019. Last week, on Thursday, June 24, 2021, from the talks held by the Center with the political parties of Jammu and Kashmir, it seemed that the atmosphere of the state could change completely. Drone blasts in Jammu show that Pakistan is no longer able to mobilize Kashmiri youth to promote terrorism. That is why it has now taken up the responsibility of causing bloodshed using unmanned drones. Where were these drones flown from and who is the terrorist organization behind it? Its investigation is in the hands of the agencies. Sooner or later they will find out about this conspiracy. But, the analysis of the underlying causes of this new and dangerous weapon of terrorism is very important.

Two weeks after two low-powered bomb blasts in the technical area of ​​the Air Force airport in Jammu, it has been revealed that the drone strike was carried out by Pakistan with a Chinese-made drone. Forensic investigation Monday (5 July 2021) revealed that the drone was made in China and the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) used was made of a mixture of RDX and nitrate.

Pakistan has been showing keen interest in drone technology for the last 2-3 months. China and Turkey are continuously supplying him with drones. On 15 April 2021 this year, there was a long discussion between Pakistan’s Science and Technology Minister Fawad Chaudhry and the president of Chinese company Da Jiang Innovations (DJI).
During this, the government of Pakistan had proposed the manufacture of drones on a large scale. After discussion in this matter, a team of Pakistani Navy, Army and Air Force visited China’s air defense institutions from 22 May 2021 to 6 July 2021. During this, the team studied about Advanced High to Medium Altitude Air Defense (HIMADS).
It is believed that HIMADS can save Pakistan from attacks like Balakot. Between 31 May and 11 June this year, Pakistani army officials visited the Turkish drone manufacturer Bayraktor Company and proposed to make two drones. The specialty of this drone is that it can reach an altitude of 22,500 feet.
Drone attack on Jammu airport, a conspiracy to repeat Pathankot: 2 terrorists arrested

On Sunday (27 June 2021) two major explosions took place in the Jammu airport. This caused chaos there. The Bomb Disposal Squad and forensic team reached the spot after the blast which took place at around 2 pm.
The area has been sealed and investigation has been started. Drones have been used for the attack. In the initial investigation, it is believed that by doing so, Pakistan has tried to repeat the Pathankot attack in Punjab in 2016.

The first explosion caused the roof of a building in the airport’s technical area to collapse. The explosion was so strong that its sound was heard up to two kilometers away. The second explosion occurred on the ground.
Contrary to reports, a Defense Ministry spokesperson said that no jawan was injured and no material was damaged in the blast at the Jammu Air Force base. The investigation of the matter is going on.