Roka-Chheka campaign for protection of Kharif crops – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Roka-Chheka campaign for protection of Kharif crops

For the protection of Kharif crops in the state, this year also, Roka-Chheka campaign was started from July 1. Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel said that Roka-Chheka is our old tradition. This campaign was also launched in the state last year, which had very encouraging results. Keeping this in mind, this campaign is being run again in the state from July 1 during the current year. He has appealed for cooperation from all the farmers for its success.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that Chhattisgarh is receiving continuous good rains. Farmers are engaged in farming. Sowing of Kharif crops has started in full swing. We all know that after sowing the crops, the biggest concern of the farmers is the care and protection of the crops. Roka-Chheka campaign is proving to be important for the protection of crops. This will protect both our crops and livestock.

Chief Minister Shri Baghel said that Roka-Chheka is our old tradition. Through this we take a pledge not to leave our animals for grazing in the open, so that our crops are not harmed. Animals are kept in their homes, sheds and cowsheds and arrangements have to be made for their fodder and water.

I am happy to inform all of you that the work of roka chheka of animals has now become easier with the establishment of Gauthans in the village. Now you don’t even have to worry about taking care of animals and managing their fodder and water in Gauthans. Gothan committees are engaged in this work.

Chief Minister Shri Baghel said that Gauthans are being built in the village for the better care of livestock in the state. So far, we have given approval for the construction of 10 thousand 57 Gauthans, out of which 5 thousand 820 Gauthans have been completed. We have asked all Gothan committees to plant green fodder in the land reserved for pasture in Gothans so that green fodder should also be available for the animals coming to the Gothans. I am happy that out of 5 thousand 820 Gauthans built in the State, pastures have already been developed in about 2000 Gauthans and green fodder is also being produced there for livestock.

Another step has been taken by the government to give direction to the development of Chhattisgarh. In this sequence, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has given instructions to construct sheds for the operation of multi-utility centers in Gauthans built in villages. He has said that this will help women self-help groups and villagers to conduct employment business activities. In the first phase, the Chief Minister has asked for construction of work sheds in 3 thousand Gauthans of the state with the amount of DMF.
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