Uttar Pradesh: The pace of employment remained in UP even during the Corona period, Delhi, Rajasthan, Bengal far behind – Lok Shakti

Lok Shakti

Nationalism Always Empower People

Uttar Pradesh: The pace of employment remained in UP even during the Corona period, Delhi, Rajasthan, Bengal far behind

The CMIE report for the month of May shows that the unemployment rate in Rajasthan is 27.6 percent, while the situation in the country’s capital Delhi is very poor in terms of employment. Delhi’s unemployment rate is 45.6, West Bengal 19.3, Tamil Nadu 28.0, Punjab 8.8, Jharkhand 16.0, Chhattisgarh 8.3, Kerala 23.5, and Andhra Pradesh 13.5 percent.
The pace of providing employment in Uttar Pradesh has continued during the Corona period. That is why Delhi, Bengal, Rajasthan are far behind UP. This information has been given in the latest survey of the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE). Claiming this, the spokesperson of the state government said that even during the Corona period, the process of providing employment continued in UP. According to the latest CMIE data, the unemployment rate in UP has been recorded at 6.9 percent. Which is almost three times less than in March 2017. According to the report, in terms of providing employment, UP is far ahead in comparison to all the states of the country like Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Along with the war with Corona, the battle of UP with unemployment continued. According to the figures, the Yogi government has made a record of giving more than 4 lakh government jobs to the youth in the last 4 years. The CMIE report for the month of May shows that the unemployment rate in Rajasthan is 27.6 percent, while that of the country’s capital Delhi. The situation is very bad in terms of employment. Delhi’s unemployment rate is 45.6, West Bengal 19.3, Tamil Nadu 28.0, Punjab 8.8, Jharkhand 16.0, Chhattisgarh 8.3, Kerala 23.5, and Andhra Pradesh 13.5 percent. The unemployment rate in the country’s most populous UP is just 6.9 percent. When CM Yogi Adityanath took over the power in the state in March 2017, the unemployment rate in the state was 17.5%, which is almost three times the current unemployment rate.
Significantly, the state government, which is continuously increasing industry and business, had reached the minimum figure of unemployment rate of 4.1 percent in March 2021. Under Mission Rozgar, employment opportunities are being provided to the people of the state through various departments, institutions and corporations. In addition to connecting more than 4 lakh people with government jobs, more than 15 lakh people in the private sector and about 1.5 crore people in self-employment.